Support Action St. Louis on Give STL Day
Dear Action Family,
Action St. Louis has never wavered in our commitment to build a region where all Black people could thrive. In the face of an incredibly turbulent year, our pursuit for justice and transformation has been unapologetic because that is what our communities deserve.
In 2020, our organizing saw tremendous growth and success, and we couldn’t have done it without your support. We at Action St. Louis want you to know that we see you, we love you, and we thank you for rocking with us through these turbulent times.
As we approach #GiveSTLDay on Thursday, May 6th, we ask that you continue to support our efforts to build Black power and fight for justice and equity in St. Louis.
Here’s what we’ve managed to accomplish this past year with your support:
We organized to close and defund the Workhouse. Our #ClosetheWorkhouse campaign saw a major victory recently, as the jail was defunded in the FY22 budget.
We launched a new campaign to #defundSLMPD and have already successfully diverted 4 million dollars away from police vacancies to be reinvested in housing, victim services and more - approaches that actually keep people safe.
We launched and built a strong tenant-led housing rights movement to transform the lives of people who call St. Louis home. Our direct outreach has stopped more than 150 evictions in St. Louis County.
We reached more than 200,000 voters through our #WokeVoterSTL campaign and organized to support the passage of a statewide ballot initiative that expanded Medicaid, extending life-saving health coverage to 200,000 Missourians.
We released the People’s Plan, a comprehensive policy agenda designed to redistribute power and resources in St. Louis, in partnership with 50 local organizations.
We trained 10 new fellows through BOSS (Black Organizing Summer School), strengthening the pipeline of skilled organizers in St. Louis. Our 3rd cohort will begin this June.
Every day, I’m extremely grateful to lead Action St. Louis. The staff and members of this organization work tirelessly to build the power necessary to transform our communities.
Our growth over the last year is a testament to our supporters. You have given your time, energy and dollars to help grow this organization.
Can we count on your continued support to reach our Give STL Day goal of $15,000?
Kayla M. Reed
Executive Director, Action St. Louis
P.S. If you’re on board to support Action for #GiveSTLDay, will you put it on your Facebook page? If you and your friends give between noon and 1pm on Give STL Day, Action could receive a portion of the $20,000 prize.